A black-and-white portrait of Kenken.fyiKen ZinserMake sense and do good

What I'm doing now

This is a now page, more or less. Updated May 8, 2024, from my home in Seattle.


Splitting my time between working with clients and painting murals with my wife.

Kicking the tires on NearlyFreeSpeech.NET for some upcoming website projects. (So far I like it.)

Trying to read more books. Juggling North Woods by Daniel Mason and Judgement at Tokyo by Gary J. Bass.

Trying to enjoy more music. Currently digging Elbow’s new album Audio Vertigo (just listen to Good Blood Mexico City), also Rabbit Rabbit by Speedy Ortiz and TANGK by IDLES.

Watching things on TV. Shōgun, How It’s Made.

Volunteering at my local food bank each week, driving for the grocery rescue program.

Making room and getting organized ahead of big life changes.

Posters in Baltimore